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books.html (1317B)

      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html lang="en" xmlns:th="">
      3 <head th:replace="~{header :: head}"></head>
      4 <head>
      5     <title>Book Collection - Wim Dupont</title>
      6 </head>
      7 <body>
      8 <div class="container wrapper">
      9     <header>
     10         <h1>Books</h1>
     11         <div th:insert="~{navigation}"/>
     12     </header>
     13     <p class="subheader">This is the collection of books of which I own a physical copy</p>
     15     <th:block th:each="bookEntry : ${books}">
     16         <p th:text="${bookEntry.key}">keyvalue</p>
     17         <table>
     18             <tr th:each="book : ${bookEntry.value}">
     19                 <td th:title="|${book.title} - ${}|">
     20                     <a th:target="_blank"
     21                        th:href="@{{isbn}(isbn=${book.isbn})}"
     22                        th:title="|Open Library (ISBN: ${book.isbn})|">
     23                         <span th:text="${book.title}"/>
     24                         <span th:if="${book.seriesWithNumber != null}"
     25                               class="series" th:text="${book.seriesWithNumber}"/>
     26                     </a>
     27                 </td>
     28                 <td class="align-right"
     29                     th:title="|${book.title} - ${}|"
     30                     th:text="${}"/>
     31             </tr>
     32         </table>
     33     </th:block>
     35 </div>
     36 </body>
     37 </html>